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RUNGSI is Offline
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Default 10-07-2002, 04:36 PM

We have been working hard on the beta.
May thanks to Akaidruid for helping out and running a server.
Some errors have been found and will be corrected.
So far this is what has been found:
1. Map pic in Score menu script directory is incorrect.
2. Scripting for Title has additional (")
3. Player standing on MG42 when turning. (upper left trench)
4. Complaints of DeathMatch spawns only on AXIS side of the map.

These problem will be addressed and corrected.

If you.. Yes you! would like to help test the map
You can now get the (1.0)BETA version off my site.
So scurry on over and pick it up.. take a look. see what you think should stay and what needs to be changed.
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