10-07-2002, 06:07 PM
I've seen this alot lately. People sliding all over the place. The other night I got on a server and there was a guy who was doing this. There must've been about 6 of us palying but the other guys were so impressed they wanted this guy to teach them to do it also. Allies and Nazis were gathered together trying to learn this cheat. I was the only one interested in playing so I let my STG do the talking and if FF had been on I would've killed the guy teaching them to. But not to worry. It only makes them look incredibly stupid sliding around like that and they're not invincible. Lett them do it from what I saw they can't fire at you while "sliding" and the time it takes for them to noticed they're being shot at, then get out of the ground, find you and fire back is time enough for you to waste them. Keep on playing and having fun. Let them cheat soooner or later someone will create autokick software to boot people like that.