Sound for Tank -
10-07-2002, 08:14 PM
You need to modify the ubersound.scr
Where it says /////VEHICLES////
*Notice -----> I used the Tiger Tank-Sherman Tank
A bit lower it has this:
//Tiger Tank-Sherman Tank
At the end of the lines you have the names of the maps (between * *). If you used a name like: m1l3a_.... Just add the m1l3a in there. Thats for the tank
For the //////TANK WEAPON//////
go lower
//Tiger Tank Cannon
Add your map name prefix(m1l3a) to the 4 lines in that section to get the firing/turning sounds of the main gun.
Thats all my friend
I hope it makes sence
The idea was not mine, a friend told me
Thank him for that
See u