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General of the Army
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Default 10-08-2002, 04:19 AM

Red alert came out in 97 btw the original command and conquer came out in 95. In 97 i didn't even have a pc, i was in a training organisation that had a good network setup and every day for a few hours 3-4 of us would be playing command and conquer. When red alert came ou later that year i charged down and bought it so we could play it over the network. Following year i got a pc

[quote:7764f]Gerard you gotta tell me how to make those kinds of videos. [/quote:7764f]

Its not hard making the video's really its just a matter of having a load of hard drive space to store it on. My main pc has 40 gigs of hd space and my recording pc has a 20 gig hard disk. You just record in divx so you can get a few hours recording time out of the 20 gig hard drive and hope some interesting stuff happens. Like i said this woulda been longer if my network had not screwed up. To make this i had to put my capture card into the pc i play battle field on but since it was playing a game plus recording and encoding at the same time the cpu was heating up and crashing the pc a lot.

I lost a lot of good footage such as me flying a plane using the fly by camera view and managing to score a direct hit on a tiger with a bomb that blew it up completly. cry:

The hardest part of the vid is sequencing it. In adobe premiere its basically a timeline layout and its a matter of me syncing the audio and video plus video effects such as the aged film effect and hoping it all comes together. On my hard drive right now ive a few gigs of recorded footage i need to delete. Ive about 5 revisions of the video file i uploaded as well

Oh as for c&c generals, from what i hear thers a multiplayer test that will be available later this month with 4 or so maps to play on

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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