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CannonFodder is Offline
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 10-08-2002, 06:33 AM

I have a GF4 Ti4600, 256 RAM, Athlon 1700+ and have had many problems, not just with MOHAA, but 3D games in general.

I can now play MOHAA with FULL GFX (everything on) with no lock-ups, crashes, etc etc. I can also play RTCW, Q3, etc with all the setting maxed out with no probs.


I finally bit the bullet and purchased a bigger PSU. My 300W one just wasn't cutting the mustard. I have a pretty cooled system, but with 2 CDs, 2 HDDS, one intake fan, three exhausts and all the fans on the HSF, mobo and GFX card, when push came to shove the card locked out. I now have a nice shiny 550W (from eBuyers - only £30 ish) and no a single problem. I am running the 30.82 dets and the latest VIA 4in1s (my mobo is VIA-based).

I have spend months changing drivers, etc and tried everything. I would say to everyone with these sorts of problems ... MORE POWER!!!!

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