10-08-2002, 10:32 AM
I agree with Strik0r. When n00bs cluster together, it doesn't take much to hose them down unless you're running around with a mauser. Even the m1 can hose down a cluster if you're doing a little dance to avoid their poor aim.
And yes, it does pretty much depend on where you play. On my own server I get my ass kicked by a few people. They show up, kick my ass and then never show up again. And then there's Stavro and Fenris - together these guys are almost unstoppable.
And another element is realism. The type of realism makes a difference on how well people play. But I'm telling you that most from KaoS kick ass anywhere they go, no matter what factors are involved. I'd say I hate them, but truth is that I envy their talents. LOL oOo: