10-08-2002, 11:11 AM
well dont be a stranger NOTF..stop by our 2 servers:
-running CKR
-running stock
-Most of the spambots on these forums have played with some of us for quite some time. Alot of the =KaoS= fellas make the aa.com server our home away from home when we want some good ole fashion mayhem. =KaoS= is one of the oldest MOH clans as well starting up in February of 02, but has been around for over 2 years. Alot of "aa.com server" graduates went on to join =KaoS=...Fidel, Bleu, Chuddy Bear, Alias...so we kinda have a rich, tradition steeped in spamming these fine forums, killing on the aa.com server,and enjoying continued success in all the ladders we are actively participatinig in...so dont be a stranger and stop by and say hi!!!!