Thread: Pointe du Hoc
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Havoc_covaH is Offline
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Default 10-08-2002, 09:22 PM

Well atleast is working better now. Now I don't have to have lunch whenever an image loads, lol.

I'm havin the same type problems as you Oddball. But the most mine bottling one is that when I compile my map, it'll be say 20% done and it says it has about 6 hours left to compile, I go to sleep wich is about 9 or less hours, and the verdammed thing is 22% and has 12 hours left! Now for some reason, I have to double check the location of the MOHAA directory on MBuilder just to compile something.

Another problem: I can't seem to post images on here so I try to send them to somebody else; cheap yahoo says one verdammed tga image is too verdammed big, and I can't transfer it to their server either because it gives me a stupid verdammed excuse saying it's too verdammed big. VERDAMMIT.

While I think of ideas for the map, I make smaller maps. Not that I take my whole time on them, but I only do it just to clear my mind or if something's wrong with my PDH map. Here's a few good ones: Tunnel Rats, City in the Sand, House2House, City Siege, and Leningrad.

If I for some reason decide to quit my PDH project and give it to Oddball, I will start a Leningrad project.

Overall, beta testing for my map should be ready in about 3 weeks or less. I've tested the map myself only about 4 times, until I got the problem above in the second paragraph.

This prefab site may give you a boost on your map, Oddball
Just about the whole site is in German, but I think you'll find your way around, lol.

Keep cool guys, when the beta comes out I think you'll enjoy (or should I say that later?).
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