10-09-2002, 04:50 AM
Ok rungsi i been testing your map for a few days now very nice map. I have a few dislikes about it. One being snipers id hate to see that map be turned into nothing but a sniper feest. the other is only one way across? I was thinking of a tunnel you can make under the bridge and itll come out inside the light house near the stairs? I know it sounds stupid but its just a thought. As for fps the only time i seen red was on the bridge passing the burning tank. Can you make the map bigger to hold 18 or more people? Seeing as how popular obj thunder is it would be nice to see something in the middle besides a bridge. Thats all i can think of for now. IF something else comes up ill post it here. Keep it up and would love to see future projects from you. Oh there is one more thing. THe rain. Can you include like a thunder storm like you did on obj thunder?