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Default 10-09-2002, 06:01 PM

You know for the time, I've had Windows ME on my system, I've only ever encountered ONE major cum-fuck-up with it, and it was caused by me. Yea I'm sure teh DLL errors will pop up for folks out the wazoo, but for me I've yet to experience that. It's XP that I've had alot of problems with -

At least if you get a hardware error problem on ME you can boot to the system and correct it, with XP once I've had a hardware error problem, that's it - system refuses to boot. Back to reformat. So, I've got a 60gig HD that can still be used, just not with XP. If ever there was a way to have more than 2 HD's on ones computer, that man/woman would be a godsend. I've heard of this raid business, but seems to damn fishy to me.
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