10-10-2002, 01:13 AM
[quote="Chuddy Bear":cdc4e]Capt. Happy,
First of all we didnt have our best players in there. I played in the match. LOL
They had a good strategy and they won the match. They are one of the clans in the top ten in leagues, they are very good as are the rest at the top of the pack.
Many of us just happen to play on AA.com, so most of the guys know us. I get around and play on different servers quite a bit and I know there are some great players out there. I even play on the eCm server.
It is rather hard to rate players you havent come up against so dont fault anyone for not naming your buddies team.
Soviet has not been playing much Allied Assault lately. If you want to find out why people think he is one of the best, stop by our server and find out. Do you even play MOHAA?
As far as not talking about the eCm match what is there to say?
They won.
We dont cry about losing we just play again. It was not our first loss and it wont be our last.
Nuff said.
Chuddy Bear =KaoS=[/quote:cdc4e]
What Chud said....... bigzooka: