10-10-2002, 08:24 AM
Sorry Devey... but myself and others are calling you a liar!!! (or at least so stupid you don't know people on your server cheat)
"the LiVi clan? hell yes they cheat....they use neon skins, are looking for aimbots, and have wallhacks and a no fog mod wich isnt really cheating......how do i know this u ask? well i was once in that clan....for about a month i put up with thier cockyness and idioticy.....the LiVi clan is not one to like "
"I to have witnessed the cheating on the livi server, so by your definition that is proof. A material witness. In conjunction with the law in your country I presume.
I personally will never go on that server again, they are definitely using the wallhack and no fog hack. They make it to obvious.
obviously my experiences..........
Sorry my old Cock Sparrow.... but your clan has been exposed for cheating and really theres not alot you can do about it... except moan and groan about not being said cheats.
But the evidence is there, also there are several other players who are going to add theie experiences of the Livi clan next week.
I would suggest that you focus on stopping cheats on your server... then come back and tell us all about it. That would as you say "Hit the nail on its head"
Have a nice day fire1: [LiVi]NoFogDude