10-10-2002, 09:50 AM
Your a cocky litle prick with a big attitude u need to come back down to earth m8 we dont live in la la land which is where u seem to be coming from.
personally i dont give a shit if u were in TDB before me u need to learn something called ONLINE ETIQUETTE yknow what is liked and disliked by ppl and dissing other clans isnt one of them and NO i bet 4 of [9] couldnt take 8 TDB so what if theyve done 33 matches and lost only 1 doesnt mean theyre invincible and ive seen Clanbase and how it works personally i think thats a load of balls too try being in Tournament or Ladder thats been around for a while yknow one that Hosts the World no1 games players then ull see just how Mistaken u are.
U might wanna reconsider your attitude towards ppl in future. cool: