10-10-2002, 12:19 PM
I actually find myself siding with [LiVi] here.
Vander says they cheat...[LiVi] says they dont.
She said...He said.
In the long run...who the hell actually cares? Unless you have some better proof shut up Vander.
I get my ass handed to me every night by guys who...now this will slay ya...ARE ACTUALLY BETTER than me.
3 of the finest Realism servers out there, AAN, =DOA= and of course aa.com, all have active admining.
You want cheat free MOH:AA? Go play there. We all talk to each other and if we suspect somone of cheating they will be kicked or possibly banned.
You accused, they denied. Shouldnt that be the end of it? If the entire clan cheats they hang themselves eventually.