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Default 10-10-2002, 08:46 PM

Originally Posted by Albow0001
My fingers hurt

Is that a complaint?

And seriously, wookie, ur turning this thread into a flame fest. If you just STOP responding, this stupidity (on BOTH sides) will just poof away...just walk away form the convo without saying anything, eh mate?
BTW i blame YOU wook because ur the only one who seems to have the sense to do anything about it mate
[quote:d8239]No offense to either Anti Hero, or BW, but both of you should really just give up this petty arguement.. Life is too short for such things, and this is the internet after all. [/quote:d8239]

No offense to either of you but...."Boo fucking Hoo" ??

This argument has ended.

Seems as if the only people keeping it going are the ones that keep coming back (who werent involved in the first place) to add more to it when I was quite content with it being over. Dont blame me for keeping it going when you reply a day after when no-one had anything else to add.

And if it's still continuing....why should I walk away without using that God given right of sticking up for myself ? I'm not going to retreat. I could just lock the thread, but what would that prove ?? That I cant hack it ?? Fuck that. May work for you guys, but not for me. As I said, I have no problem with Anti Hero anymore, I'm fucking over it, the same goes for Ed. They may dislike me still, but that would be their fucking problem wouldnt it ??