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Default 10-10-2002, 09:52 PM

Alright well here's a mighty fine suggestion, MATE.

Shut the FUCK up...

Jesus Christ...all you do is come on the forums and PMS all ur useless shit off on everyone. Like we don't have enough problems with noobs that we need a mod going around acting like a whiny 15 year old fucking teenager.

Christ wook, you should be older than this. I just read this FUCKING thread, and i think u need to seriously rethink the way you interact with people you whiny little bitch. Christ man, i expect so much more from you than to be bashing noobs about in the off topic thread. You're so much smarter than this you knob...why don't you know when to walk away? You know damn right i meant you should've walked away in the first place

Is it MY GODDAMN FAULT i don't follow every goddamn post you make like it's heavenly scripture...excuse me for not knowing this post was a WHOLE FUCKING day old, alright mate?

Now it sounds like u need to seriously consider backing away from the forums awhile...this is not the first and sure as hell doesn't seem to be the last time u'll just be a real bitch on this forum. You want to give me hell, go ahead. But don't get so FUCKING bitchy because i don't know a topic is a day FUCKING old when it's a sticky, alright?

Good god, we go back...u and i, i thought we had a level of decency...but if you so easily throw away a common layer of decency to make urself feel better about having such a gigantic stick up your ass and bringing it in front of us all to have to deal with, you sure as hell need to take break from modding a while man.

All decency and respect to you Ballistic Wookie, you're a good man, but i will not sit back and take shit from you when u know so much better. I've taken enough shit from other people. getting lippy with me, what happened to you old friend?