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Default 10-11-2002, 12:59 AM

Originally Posted by Albow0001
Alright well here's a mighty fine suggestion, MATE.

Shut the FUCK up...

Jesus Christ...all you do is come on the forums and PMS all ur useless shit off on everyone. Like we don't have enough problems with noobs that we need a mod going around acting like a whiny 15 year old fucking teenager.

Christ wook, you should be older than this. I just read this FUCKING thread, and i think u need to seriously rethink the way you interact with people you whiny little bitch. Christ man, i expect so much more from you than to be bashing noobs about in the off topic thread. You're so much smarter than this you knob...why don't you know when to walk away? You know damn right i meant you should've walked away in the first place

Is it MY GODDAMN FAULT i don't follow every goddamn post you make like it's heavenly scripture...excuse me for not knowing this post was a WHOLE FUCKING day old, alright mate?

Now it sounds like u need to seriously consider backing away from the forums awhile...this is not the first and sure as hell doesn't seem to be the last time u'll just be a real bitch on this forum. You want to give me hell, go ahead. But don't get so FUCKING bitchy because i don't know a topic is a day FUCKING old when it's a sticky, alright?

Good god, we go back...u and i, i thought we had a level of decency...but if you so easily throw away a common layer of decency to make urself feel better about having such a gigantic stick up your ass and bringing it in front of us all to have to deal with, you sure as hell need to take break from modding a while man.

All decency and respect to you Ballistic Wookie, you're a good man, but i will not sit back and take shit from you when u know so much better. I've taken enough shit from other people. getting lippy with me, what happened to you old friend?
PMS my shit ?? As of the last few days, I've been acting like everybody else who has a problem with me, or just likes being a pain in the ass has been acting toward me. Guess what...THEY DIDNT LIKE IT. Big goddamn shock there. I do my job to the best of my ability and I get shit on because some "noob" doesnt agree with how things are run here. Frankly, I'm sick of it. If I could, all the people who have had a problem with the way things work around here (or more accurately, DONT work around here) would have been banned a LONG time ago.

All I ask is that people follow the rules and use a little bit of common sense and decency when they post. They take a detour around the Rules and continue on their merry way like it's open day and you can do whatever the hell you like. This really fries my ass. It's a pretty simple request really. Read the rules, and abide by them. It gets very tedious when I have to lock threads and delete posts which so clearly show a complete lack of respect and knowledge for the rules and have no power to enforce them. Has that gotten under my skin ? You're goddamn right it has. As someone who has moderated (or really, just overlooked and locked and deleted where I thought it was neccessary, no real moderation at all) for longer than most people have known about this place it pisses me off that this "community" has turned into, basically, a pile shit with no structure at all.

So, I get angry and pissy at you guys. Yeah, I do. Because I see no help at all from the other "Vets". Do you guys try and help us out at all by guiding those stray and obviously blind souls towards doing the right thing ?? Rarely. Most times you joke away with them, disregarding the rules of this forum and totally negating any real influence you or we (the moderators) have or should I say, had over those not in the know or those that dont wish to be in the know.

The last few days, I have been doing NO moderating at all. Havent locked a thread, edited a post....NOTHING. I continue to post, be it rarely, when I'm between doing better things with my time, and still trying to get under peoples skin as they have to me. Maybe you guys will start to realise this isnt an easy job when nobody throws you a freaking bone.

Did I mean to act like a complete and utter fuckhead to you ?? No, I didnt, and I'm sorry for that. Please accept my apology. The last thing I want to do is fuck up a friendship with an old friend like you. Boot me up the ass again if you feel it would do any good. You tell me I should be older than this ?? Well, I think that goes for everybody on this whole fucking forum. The one time I act free of any higher position or post I get my balls hacked off. Why cant it be like this for the rest of you ?? Go to almost any other forum, and half of the threads like the ones posted here would be locked with a few seconds and the poster banned, simple as that. I've loosened my hold on the forum. I'm just watching how it goes now, maybe people are starting to come around and will start posting with some brains again, like in the old days. I can only hope.

[quote:1ac81]All decency and respect to you Ballistic Wookie, you're a good man, but i will not sit back and take shit from you when u know so much better. I've taken enough shit from other people. getting lippy with me, what happened to you old friend?[/quote:1ac81]

Now you know how I feel everytime someone thinks I'm being unfair or cruel in the way I "moderate" this place. I love ya man, truly I do, and I'm sorry for what I said. You've taken enough shit from other people....put yourself in my place, try to keep this place running smoothly, and begin to see where I am coming from. I took my anger out on you, and I didnt mean it....sorry.

[quote:1ac81]...but i will not sit back and take shit from you when u know so much better.[/quote:1ac81]

Just like I wont take shit from any number of teenagers on here who havnt seen a hard day in their life. Yeah I do know better, and I will do better from now on, because I dont want to destroy another friendship, like I possibly have with you, again.

Once again I'm sorry.