10-11-2002, 03:41 PM
Hey, I know what you mean. It gets old being told you are cheating. If I am not on the Kaos server I can be found trolling other sites, sometimes clan servers other times non clan servers.
It really gets on my nerves when some noob starts crying about using aimbots, god mode or whatever. They do this while they are running around
in the open not using any cover at all shooting their STG full auto or rocket from one end of the map to the other.
As far as the spawn killing, I will not intentionally set up to spawn kill in a public game. Yes I will do it in matches.
If I am coming through an area and you re-spawn in front of me I will shoot you. I dont expect any less from anyone else. If I spawn in front of you I expect you to shoot me. Some peeps do intentionally spawn kill in pub games and that does get old.
Anyhow, dont let it bother you, leave and go to another server. Come to the KaoS server, we like challenges. bigzooka: