Thread: Pointe du Hoc
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Oddball.woof is Offline
Posts: 36
Join Date: Sep 2002
Default hi.............. - 10-12-2002, 12:20 AM

Do you know any ways I can turn the DUKW into a prefab?................
Yes use a brush to surround the DUKW ans select inside, then got to Region drop down menu and click selected brushes, this makes a region of all the brushes selected and you wont 'see' anything else, if a few other bushes got thru with it select all the brushes again using the single brush and then deleselect just the brushes you dont want land make a region of the DUKW then save it as a prefab and a separate map file just in case.
What this Region does is place a non textured brush around the area you want to see and stop you seeing the rest, its still there and can be brought back into view by turning off the Region. Its a great help for editing areas of big maps and avoiding overloading radiant.

Can I see a pic of your cliff?..........
not much different from the old pics but I am short of ftp space till TMT start running my Textures guides off their server rather than from links to my ftp site.
Otherwise I would have put a new slide show up and a demo of an in game avi option I found in the console.

still trying to figure out how to align the MG-42 and its bipod.............
As last post said use 1 unit grid, go in close up with 'show models as bounding boxes only' this way you'll just see the squares of the bounding boxes, TAB between view and move the MG into the already selected spot you choice for the Bipod.match the boxes up so they appear as one.
If you switch back to see the models the bipiod ought to be aligned, not fare from the end of the muzzle, check each view to make sure there are no gaps.

screens to put on your website.........
sure, however the web publishing program I used is out of its trial date, still I'll see what I can do but I have been to busy to do anything to the site myself for ages.

Scripting is a bummer for me too, the tip is to try learning C++ and/or Java which will give you an idea what you're doing apparently.
ALso check out all the tuts you can find on the web including the Quake3 and RTCW stuff which although slightly different content will give you some ideas of whats going on.
Look through ALL the tiks,shaders,scr etc you can find original MOH and user.
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