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Server Timed Out
TimeFuse is Offline
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Location: Maryland
Default Server Timed Out - 10-12-2002, 11:55 AM

I'm trying to host a configured server this is the config file:

set Admin "TimeFuse"
sets Connection Full T1
set rconpassword "XXXXXXXXXXX"

set net_noipx 1
set net_port 12203

set dedicated 0
set ui_console 1
set timelimit 25
set fraglimit 10
set roundlimit 5
set flood_waitdelay 15
set flood_persecond 4
set flood_msgs 4

set g_gametype 4
set g_motd "Welcome to TimeFuse's server! CKR and FF is on!"
set g_teamdamage 1
set g_inactivity 120
set g_inactiveSpectate 120
set g_inactiveKick 300
set g_allowjointime 15
set g_maxintermission 15
set g_allowvote 1
set g_minGameClients 1

set sv_hostname "TimeFuse's Objective Match Server =CKR Realism= & FF On! v1.11"
set sv_pure 0
set sv_maxclients 16
set sv_gamespy 1
set sv_allowdownload 1
set sv_maxRate 0
set sv_minPing 0
set sv_maxPing 0
set sv_floodprotect 1

set sv_maplist "obj/obj_team1 obj/obj_team2 obj/obj_team3 obj/obj_team4 obj/obj_maromg obj/_rustinpeace obj/prado1_obj obj/push_cityhall obj/renan obj/shermanhuntbeta221 obj/dasboot"

map "obj/obj_team1"

I start the program using the exe file as such:
"C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\MOHAA\MOHAA.exe" +set cl_playintro 0 +set ui_skip_eamovie 1 +set ui_skip_titlescreen 1 +set ui_skip_legalscreen 1 +exec ServerOBJ.cfg

The game starts for me but anyone trying to join the server gets server timed out message after a few seconds.

I've tried having them open console and type "Reconnect"
We both have the same versions 1.11!
We both have the same maps and pak3 files!
My game also shows up on the Internet ingame browser and gamespy.
But I've only tried to connect via ip address.

I would really appreciate any advise or suggestions I'm racking my brain on the answer. It would be a lot easier to trouble shoot if EA Games had put ot some documentation But LOL!
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