10-12-2002, 10:34 PM
Well not to blow smoke on your post but it really all depends on the where
you live. And whats available to you. I have been using DSL for almost 4
years now. I can tell you that it all depends on how much money you are
willing to shell out for your connection. I had a 768/768 connection for
150.00 thru Speakeasy DSL. THey are one of the best Broadband servers
out thier. But the amount of money was killing me. I could host in Tribes
10 to 12 players on a server. And that was alot considering the amount of packets. But now i have Cable and the down load is crazy fast 10 MB down
1 MB upload for 49.99 a month. But DSL has a static IP and Cable doesnt
So it all depnds on whats availabe to you and where you live is the key as
well. Remmber if you want faster downloads then Cable may be for you
but for gaming hmmm. I beleave its the luck of the draw on where you live and whats available you might not be able to afford that DSL connection i
mentioned but they have really good packages that you can get. Also go to
Broadband Reports and do a serach on whats available to you in your area.
That way you can see whats out thier. Well good luck on what you choose.
Never Interupt your enemy when he is making a mistake
Napolian Bonaparte fire1: