Thread: Cable or DSL?
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Default 10-13-2002, 10:03 AM

I use DSL and have not had one problem. I get a 768/128 connection no matter the time of day or how many people are on the net. It cost me $50 bucks a month through Verizon.

While i was doing this same broadband debate all that i heard about cable was how un ealiable it was and how its speed awas effected by users. Well i hated that aspect. So i got DSL. I ping 110 to 150 ok UK servers from Washington state.

Cable horror story:

After being accpeted into the TIC one of its founding members began to have cable troubles. He would ping 500+ on a Seattle based server with 6 people on it. He live in Seatle like many of the TIC members. He eventually gave up on his crappy Cable service and while waiting for DSL played on a 56k modem that was faster than his cable service. Since receiving his DSL he has had no problems and pings are stunning.

My vote go with DSL if you can get it at a good price. Also go to and read some reviews of providers in your area.
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