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Damn Computer Problem
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Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Default Damn Computer Problem - 10-15-2002, 10:45 AM

First of All, here are my specs:

P4 1.5ghz
2 x 256 ram
Geforce 4 Ti4200 128meg vid card
40gig 5400rpm hard drive (C
80gig 7200rpm hard drive (D
Windows XP Home Edition

2 weeks ago I added the second 256 ram to make it 512, about a week and a half later, the system started screwing up, in the middle of games or just the net, it would reboot itself, this happened about 10 times, then the last time it gave me a option of starting in NORMAL MODE, SAFE MODE, and OF LAST TIME WINDOWS WORKED FINE, I've tried all of these and NOTHING, starts to load windows then BANG, back to reboot. So I FORMATED C: and reinstalled everything, same thing happened, reboot a few times now, can't get back into windows again. I'm on work computer now and won't be home till November 5th, then BACK to futureshop she've tried taking out the new ram and running just the old one, and vice versa, but NOTHING....Good thing it's under warrenty oOo:

Has anyone had problems like this before ??
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