10-15-2002, 12:55 PM
[quote="=[DOA]=VonMeyer":bb32d]He admitted to me a while back on another server that hes has a #rd person view mod. Of course he didnt know who i was because i was under a diff name. For someone to admit he does this takes guts. Just be on the safe side watch out for him on all servers. Im sure he has source codes and shit. And btw AA does promote cheating. Look at the bright skins on the downloads section.[/quote:bb32d]
I dont think AA promotes cheating, rather modding and customizing and supporting the game. In other popular FPS modding and custom skins are an acceptable part of the game. I do understand your point, but ultimately its up to the admins of the servers to use the tools (although limited) at their disposal to keep the game clean. Ugliest part of the game for me is to be fraggin away, then have to stop cause someone got sniped from one end of the fog encrusted map to the other, or Major Blue Balls is cussing up a storm (although i pity my teammates, I cuss like a sailor from hell on Game Voice angel: ).....bye Von. We only have one Angry Young Man left in the community...Desert Eagle