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Default 10-15-2002, 10:52 PM

Originally Posted by Gerard
What fucks me off the most is on their onle catalogue they said all the stuff i wanted was in stock. Ive just checked and now they cdrw drive is out of stock. Lazy bastards don;t update it often enough.

I paid for next day delivery to have the damn thing on wednesday and now it looks like it will be thursday or later. Fuckers wouldn't even send me an email informing me of the delay. mwah:
yeah i had this with a store..... online qty says theyre in stock but not only werent they there they even took 3 days before they ordered more stock to fill my order.

bitch on the phone told me she would hang up on me if i didnt stop swearing at her. got her to put me through to her boss..... explained the size of the fine for corporations breaching the (AUS) Trade Practices Act for bait advertising...... i think the exact conversation was...
"you wanna talk about grammer & you in court or just refund my fucking order idiot?"

they were quite helpful in the end
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