Originally Posted by FlipSide
Originally Posted by Germ
any more cheaper guns? like the guns that a psycho would use?
This guy is mentally ill, but also very smart.
In smart I mean, he wrapped the media into this gimic by leaving those cards/papers. Now every news channel has their own theory of why such an evil man could do such a evil thing. My guess is that this man is later 40s, mid 50s with some sort of shooting background. Hes a very good shot, using a .223 from distances at 100 yards. My guess is that he will make a mistake some were along the line (leave some clothing, be seen by someone) and will get arrested. Then he will sit in prison for 10 years, till the democrats finally give up on trying to deffend him, and eventually go death row.
How many more?
Actually I think he is much younger. Probally won't go to prison, if caught he will be killed by the police. He probably does thinks he is God and can't be hurt. And being a Demorcrat I must say I don't think I will be fighting for him, even though I don't believe in the death sentence(I think toturing a person like this for the rest of their live is better).