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Default 10-16-2002, 11:37 PM

Originally Posted by CyberNautOFX
I think that this guy is actually practicing...He might be picking off these random people that have no connection to each other to practice to maybe...kill the president? I don't know, that's just my theory. And didn't someone already see him? I heard on the radio that he killed someone from 40 yards away and someone saw him, just didn't see him clearly....weird... eek:
Practice?? What ever happened to shooting ranges, target practice? Your theory has two points, bad and good.

He might be drawing all this attention, so he can draw the president out, into a weeker spot. Maybe hes planning to do his "president kill" when BUSH makes a public visit, or something lame that the media will demand of him.

Then again, if hes going to kill BUSH, I think he would take more of an attack, suprise approach.
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