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Default 10-17-2002, 07:16 AM

Ok im a suppream noob at these these things so hang with me.

Grabbed a copy of delator and after playing with it a bit i wondered. Does this even have to be loaded on the server or is it simply run by my computer? If i have the rcon password and the server IP and enter all that in, its scanning the server even if im not playing?

Also what does setting the clan tag and pass do? If i enter the tag and a password will it kick everyone the next time a map loads like setting a regular password? Or will it simply keep open 1 or 2 spots for private users? Or does it simply work in conjunction with a private password i already have set with "x" number of slots that i set via rcon?

How hard would it be to add the feature of passwording the server to this program if thats not what the tag and pass do? Becasue i had problems with it the other night where rcon wouldnt accept the password i was trying to set and i kept having to kick people.

Ah hell im sending you a PM.
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