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Halloween's coming up so post your ghost stories
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Default Halloween's coming up so post your ghost stories - 10-17-2002, 04:05 PM

And no funny cunts with the usual " i fucked a ghost" guh hyuk hyuk hyuk. eek:

Dont know if this is classed as a ghost story but it was freaky when it happened.

About 10 years ago a friend of mine used to live across the street from me. Anyway one night his parents went out for dinner and he had to stay in his grannies house which was just down the street. Anyway later that night he called up and we went upto my room to play the snes.

He was playing mortal kombat, i was coming up the stairs when i glanced across the street at his house through my bedroom windw and i could swear i seen a light going off. This is mid november in belfast around 8.30pm and the nights are dark as shit. I dismissed it however and started having a few tournaments in a football game. About 45 mins later when im going down to the crapper i again look across the street and now see that the upstairs light in his house is on. Now we know theres nobody in the house so we are obviously wondering wtf is going on here.

We go outside my house and are sitting in my garden looking across at his house. At first we thought his granny may have called up to his house but after checking she was in her own house. After that we are coming up the street and we see someone passing the upstairs window.

Starting to get a little spooked now, after mulling over it we go over to the house and knock on the door. After 3 attempts this woman dressed all in black comes down the stairs and walks over to the door. A this point were like eek: ed: combined. She stands there looking through the glass for about maybe a minute and then partially opens the door. Damien asks her who are you and what are you doing in my house. She replies no-one lives here and closes the door and goes back upstairs.

After exchanging eek: looks we go over to my house and get his spare key. We try opening the door and the fucker won't budge. After trying for a few minutes we notice the upstairs light turning off. We sat outside the garden for a minute or so and then realise whoever this is may be atempting to get out the back door. So im positioned at the backdoor with a baseball bat while he waits around the front door area. After like half an hour his partents show up. We tell them what happened and we end up searching the house from top to bottom with no sign of the woman, his father had to shoulder charge the door open as it still wouldn't budge.

The woman looked to be in her forties so theres no fukin way she was scaling a 9 foot wall, the back door and front doors were locked so there was no means of escape either. Pretty freaky for little 13 year old me

They moved out f the house a few years later and ive basically lost contact with him. Thing is though no family ever stays in that house any real length of time. Its almost constantly on the market over the time his family left the longest someone has stayed there would be about 6 months. ed:

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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