10-17-2002, 08:33 PM
I played the beta quite a bit, it was pretty fun. I tried the official demo, but couldn't get back into it. I noticed the weapon models got a lot nicer, but you can still jump off the tallest building, maybe 300 feet to the ground and not get a scratch. eek: I personally don't like the gameplay, but I might check this one out once it's released, BHD was an awesome movie. This doesn't have much to do with BHD, but I noticed that about 3 people from Pearl Harbor are in BHD, I watched Pearl Harbor again the other day, and I obviously knew Josh Hartnett (Eversman) was in that, and Tom Sizemore (McKnight) and Ewen Bremner (Nelson) were all in Pearl Harbor as well as BHD. I thought that quite intersting. (Yes, it's kinda lame, just a couple things I noticed)