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Re: Ten things someone should know about you.
mr.miyagi is Offline
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Default Re: Ten things someone should know about you. - 10-17-2002, 09:14 PM


1. I'm a true friend

2. I'm not afraid to committ, i've just committed to mel for life

3. I don't party enough as i'd like!

4. I love junk food

5. I love gay people

6. I hate it when people fart (listen up mista X)

7. I listen to music almost 24/7

8. I've only ever had one job which i thinks a good ting

9. I hate people who never change, people who are just slaves to their own pointless cycles of routine. blind to the fact the pointless days are ticking away and they do jack shiat about it and don't look to the future.

10. I have a twisted sense of humour and analyse things like a psychologist all the time

That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau
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