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Default 10-18-2002, 06:31 AM

I still remember vividly one night when I went down to the garage with a mate of mine, and when we walked through the door into the garage we both saw this fucking green hand just floating and moving around like it owned the place. It was moving it's fingers and shit and was the most (visually) scary thing I have ever seen in my life (the other was when that girls head started spinning around in The Exorcist).

A few years ago we knew this guy who was a bit of a queer prick, ie...fucked in the brain. Anyways, he was all into that spirit shit and ghosts and watchers and evil bastards and all that. Anyway, we go over to his house whom he shared with some other dickheads. He cracked out the ouija board and started flinging his shit. I thought it was crap at the start, but then I got involved and the bastard (whatever it was) was spelling out shit from my head....I was pretty amazed...or maybe the guy had known previously what the answer was...I dunno, I doubt it, was stuff he couldnt possibly have known. Anyway, we turned off all the lights, and proceeded to go to sleep and it was a pretty warm night, the guy with the fucked head told us to call out to our "watchers" and told us to ask these "watchers" to touch our hands. Well, I did this, thinking it wouldnt work, but soon after a coldness...a freezing coldness enveloped my hand. I dont know if this was just my brain telling me that my hand was cold, but I touched my hand with my (obviously) other hand and it was indeed cold. Same as my other mates hand, it too was cold.

Whatever the hell happened that night, it was strange, spooky and eye opening at the same time. After a time I gave up on the crap and didnt bother about calling out this mysterious "watcher", I had better things to do with my time. But do I believe in ghosts ?? Yeah I guess, never seen any proof to say they dont exist, on the other hand, never seen any proof to say that they do exist. Just aslong as they stay away from me, I have no problem with them. They can go about haunting and doing their routine for whatever reason.
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