10-18-2002, 07:09 AM
Lol, this thread has only brought out the bitches in all of us, complain about what people wear or how people talk. Let the idiots who can't pronunciate words correctly talk how they wish, they are the only ones that are going to be hurting in the long run when they can't find a decent job because no one likes them. Oh, and another thing, I think it's hilarious how people bitch about how teenagers dress when they go through phases. Like the preps tucking thier shirt in the front, its just a freakin fad, they'll get over it, you should try to. Not too many people give a damn for any other style other than thier own, if you dress goth, you say you do it because you are trying to be different, but then why are you goth? Afterall, its a style as well and you are just fitting in with a different group rather than being different. When I was in high school, I went through phases as well, but never cared one way or the other what other people wore. Geezus, you guys are sounding like a bunch of old woman sitting their bitching about what people wear and how they talk, "Oh what the world is coming to".