Originally Posted by redsoccerdevil
Are you talking about the chat window? I could remove all HUD text (Everything, health weapon names), in like 2 minutes. If you want it done, I'll be glad to do it for you, but this would also remove alot of other text in the menus, so I wouldn't reccomend it.
If you mean by replacing facfont-20.tga with a blank tga,...I use it al the time when not in the mood to listen to bitching and whining. As far as wiping out the menu's... ya that's true...but in my experience it only wipes out the headings. For instance the in-game broswer...the headings "Server Name" "Ping" are not there but the listings of games still are so it's no big deal really. The scores (press TAB) also suffer from this. Kills/deaths and the other headings get wiped out but the scores themselves remain.
As far as gameplay goes the only thing this mod really effects is losing the messages "...breached perimeter" "destroyed eastern/western cannon". There's a couple times in Omaha that I ran to the wrong cannon since I'd not read which cannon was destroyed so it can be a bit of a disadvantage in that regards. Small price to pay for a bitchless, whinerless, crybabyless gaming session. :)