10-18-2002, 11:01 PM
It's nice to see a thread where differences of opinion don't devolve into idiocy. My thanks to you all for that.
As for those differing opinions, thats why it's so good to have so many servers.
IMO, I try to avoid balancing anything. The STG was an uber weapons in its time. I only wish there was some way to limit it's usage to attain that same realism. The BAR had a big kick and was real heavy, and I like to see that reflected in the game. Just like the fact that one couldn't empty the clip on a Thompson without having to fight the barrel down, and even then it got too hot to hold.
My main reason for wanting specific characteristics is that I have fired most of these weapons, and seen the others in use, (except the Bazooka). I just got frustrated to see the puffs of multiple hits from a weapon hit my opponent, (I'm talking half a clip), only to be killed in a circling lean fest.
I can respect the position that it's a game, and some people find fun in the stock game. I have no problem with that at all. But it's not for me, just as my realism mod may not be for some people. If I find I don't like something, I leave. Without saying a word or giving my opinion of it, I understand that if those on it are staying and playing, then they just might be enjoying it.
Well Gents, heres to disagreement.