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Mr. Jingles is Offline
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Posts: 167
Join Date: Jul 2002
Default 10-19-2002, 01:33 AM

Ok here's how you would do it. It won't hit you if you stand behind a wall.

1. Go into "pak0.PK3" (makes it easier to look at with PakScape, get that at
2. Go into the folder "models"
3. Go into the folder "fx"
4. Open up the file called "m2fgrenadeexplosion.TIK" with NotePad
5. Edit the radius
* To edit the Bazooka and Panzerschreck into nuclear bombs just edit the "bazookaexplosion_dm.TIK" and the "explosionPANZERIVshell.TIK"
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