10-19-2002, 04:47 AM
[quote:e2a8f]Also is it possible to impliment a Ban feature with this program? I mean can you put it in so that if the same jerk re-enters with the same skin like 3 times they just get banned? [/quote:e2a8f]
Yep, it's possible, I didn't that cause I thought banning a player for using some skin is just too much. However, now I think that some of the skins listed (well, most of it) are just plain cheats, so I'm thinking about it.
[quote:e2a8f]Also. If the person gets kicked and imediatly re-enters will they be instantly rekicked or will i have to wait the time period for it to scan again before there kicked again? [/quote:e2a8f]
The rekick thing is what I understand as banning (there's currently no other way to keep a player away from your server - the stattik banning method which I'm currently using means you must have direct access to the server). So right now you must wait till the next scan for him to be kicked again (if he's still trying to use a bright skin). I'm not sure how long it will take me to develop a new version, but if Spearhead is out by the time, it should include an IPlist of banned players. Anyway, the feature will be of course enabled/disable by the admin just as everything is now.
Delator 1.1 wishlist biggrin: :
- Ability to close the server to public players with a click
- Banning feature
- Run on the systray
Things to fix:
- Error 126 on widows 98 se
- skins working both in upper and lowercase
- skins working with spaces on the name
Keep your comments coming! biggrin: