really Weird ping probs! -
10-21-2002, 11:06 AM
heey peeps! back once again with the renegade master!
I'm starting up my ded. server as usual! everything is cool as it's always been! and it's aaaaal good! right!
but! always a phreeagin' BUTT! *L*
I have had weird ping problems with specially stalingrad map!?
I mean! the ping raises to the rough and back to normal again!
back and forth! it's really annoying! it scares the peeps out of my server maan! wassup with that?
onyl in stalingrad! suddenly!
i have a 384/384 dsl line!
max 10 peeps! usually runs ok!
sv_maxrate 8000
the mods i run, are:
2 or 3 different sound mods.
scope mod.
skip intro
dogmeat mapfix
no rocket
and some customm maps!