I didn't realise that the voice for Jack Barnes was Gary Oldman until I got bored and looked at the voice cast .I thought I recongised (sp) his voice. Anyway if you don't know who Gary Oldman is he has been loads of good and crap films like:
Re: Jack Barnes: Gary Oldman -
11-20-2002, 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by bored
I didn't realise that the voice for Jack Barnes was Gary Oldman until I got bored and looked at the voice cast .I thought I recongised (sp) his voice. Anyway if you don't know who Gary Oldman is he has been loads of good and crap films like:
Air force One - russian terrorist
Lost in space - dr. smith
Fifth Element - zorg
Funny how he plays the bad guy in all three
more bad guy roles for gary
JFK - oswald
The Professional - that psycho cop
Dracula - dracula
havent you seen the movie? it's all futuristic and stuff and people all dress funny. if you think gary looks gay, wait till you see chris tucker's character.
Gary Oldman is one of the most underrated actors out there. His range of rolls are incredible. He was outstanding as Oswald in JFK. Should have been nominated. As Dracula, he was. . .perfect. Best Dracula I can think of. biggrin: