Sticky Bombs in SpearHead!! How the hell do I use them?? -
11-13-2002, 11:18 PM
Ok I was playing the single player mission on spearhead tonight. I get to this one point where it says to use a sticky bomb to blow up a tank, only problem is how do I use the sticky bombs? I cycled through all my weapons and didn't see any but one of the other guys on my squad tells me I have the stick bombs, take out the tank!!
If anyone has figured out how to use the sticky bombs please let me know.
Thanks for the smartass answer, lol. I have tried using my use button, keyboard button E. I walked all the way around the tank pressing E like crazy and nothing happened. There wasn't even one of those red blinking squares like where you normally place explosives! If anyone has a real answer please post.
He is not being a smart ass, Perhaps you are trying to put it on a tank that is already blown up. Also when you get further in the game you have to put on the sticky bomb then wait for the fuse to stop burning then shoot oyur sticky bomb to make it work, thats a lot of fun.
LOL I know how you feel!!! I read the manual front and back looking for them!! hehe biggrin: is it happening in the battle of the bulge? You need to follow the road instead of cutting throught the woods. For some reason if you dont take out the artillary first it wont show the areas on the tank you need to put the sticky bombs on. When you do it correctly you'll see the blinking red light and all you have to do it hit the use key.
It's only a matter of time before the mods rid us of him.
Yep, He went from like 70 posts earlier to whats he at now 102? Every post is garbage. What a loser! This is your pure example of how people like to stretch the truth around here. Why would a Joe Nobody need 240 Gig WD HD space? And you don't even know anything about a Mobo you supposibly have! Whatever oOo: eatthis:
Location: Silently Stalking You! Did you See That? No, it must Be a Ghost!
11-14-2002, 08:11 AM
Is it the one where you are blowing up the artillery and then the tank comes in? You get the bombs given to you by your Platoon leader. He says
here are the Sticky Bombs. You blow all the Artillery, and then the tank. You have to approach the tanks and attach one where the red boxes are.
Hope that helps.
GR swordfight: