Location: South Side Chicago *GO SOX | BEARS | ILLINI*
11-19-2002, 01:45 AM
ive used roger wilco for almost 2 and half yrs now...i used it way back for cfs1 my squad uses it for moh...we recently tried ts2 and it seemed to be ok. however on ts2 it sounds like ppl have metallic tints to their voices...sort of robot like. roger wilco has worked fine for me for all this time...some ppl just have huge problems with it...its been good to me, so why switch. =)
A. RW is owned by GaySpy...GaySpy fucks up anything and everything they touch.
B. TS2 has better voice quality and more needed features.
C. See A above...
I used RW for years in my Triben days but now even former Clans I belonged to switched along time ago.
"robotic" voices are from the server host setting the codec to low.
You guys wanna see what you're missing take 5 minutes and install TS2 by visiting either of my TS help forums and joining my server. All the info is there with complete guides to setting up and configuring TS.
On average there is between 5-20 ppl on the server at night, every night, especially with SH out.
Its the official TS server for the AA.com and AAN game servers.
Ask any of my 40+ regged users if they want to switch back to RW...[img]http://chickenboo.xgameservers.com/jasper/web/big_tung.gif[/img]