You know, Redneck, I really don't like gamespy. But you aren't helping any cause, you said you had a crack for gamespy and they banned you, now they are attacking your computer. You are quite frankly getting kind of boring.
no no , i got rid of crack and have been using the un-registrated version for a while now , and now that i go to log in it boots me and trys to attack me?? wtf? swordfight:
no no , i got rid of crack and have been using the un-registrated version for a while now , and now that i go to log in it boots me and trys to attack me?? wtf? swordfight:
Its not trying to attack you. All its trying to do is receive info from you. Chances are your firewall sees this as a threating thing trying to access to your comp. ITS NOT A VIRUS.
people are so funny. its trying to connect to your pc, try blocking every port to and from your pc... notice... nothing works. lol. also they probably banned you. i have a few gayspy friends who got banned for using the cracked version. and if u r so anti-gamespy then why fucking use it? hippocrite.