Infinite loop in Spearhead?or ?? -
11-16-2002, 09:47 PM
Heey peeps! I have this problem!!
I duno if u caaal this a infinte loop, but:
I start a ded. server, in Moh:SH, when I join the server.
in console i get this alle the time:
"Set sample Error - Unable to open file "
whats that?? it keeps output that line in the console!
what does that mean? is it a bug!?
NotE: I run a clean insall of Mohaa and Moh:sh. no custom pk3. in it!
[quote:f7c10] get that bug whenever i try to load a fresh singleplayer map
unless i load from a quicksave, i can't play and my quicksaves suck [/quote:f7c10]
Load up your QuickSave, Open the console and type in 'restart' Without the quotes. Then it will bring you back to the start of your level.