MOHAA Advice
What advice do you guys give me for MP mode?
I want to be the best hehe!! freak:
Nah i dont really care, i just want to tryout my SIG.
[img]C://mydocument/mypictures/hindsightsig[/img][/u] bigzooka: cool:
that whole lean and shoot thing isnt worth a crap. a guy used to used it on my server all the time. he got his ass shot off just as much as anybody else. he just looked more stupid doin it.
is strafing cheating? looks just as dumb, who can run straight at someone while moving side to side. you cant, its just a strategy to not get shot, as is leaning.
Real soldiers are taught to run in a zig-zag motion, and naturally, we lean towards the direction of our running path to gain momentum and to prevent from falling.
So, in fact leaning whilst stafing is a more precise interpretation of how a real soldier would move to evade enemy fire.
Im so sick of this lean binding being cheating. I was BANNED from the EsC Snipers Only server the other day for leaning! ROFL Look at these screenshots...
That was when they started bitching.
And this was after I turned my lean binding off, and they still had no chance.
Lmao....people who complain about leaning are just trying to find more reasons for people to cheat. Leaning is part of the game, you stupid n00bs.[/img]
leaning isnt part of the game, its just a horrible script done by EA and 2015 to compensate for no prone position, considering prone is the best position to be in if you dont want to die