Brothers : A Cautionary Note. -
04-21-2003, 06:32 AM
I can't help but notice that time & time again, really fantastic, rule abiding fellas
have fallen foul of the good-natured horseplay instigated by their totally out of control brother/s...
who invariably abuse the site and undermine their bro's standing to th' max.....
...aaanywhoo, if you have a brother subjecting you to this treatment, try a), or b) or a combination of both :-
Actually, it was dood with another alias that was banned, that's all. biggrin:
As for the topic, I somewhat agree. Although, I'd much rather see you guys just grow out of it. I used to consider Gerard and Wintersforge on the same level as say, Ed or Loki, but they don't pull that kind of shit anymore, and I respect them for it.