Differences in Allied Weapons -
06-18-2003, 03:11 PM
In MOH Spearhead I've noticed that the revlovers are much more accurate than the Colt is, but the colt is better in close combat because it is faster. I've also found that the Lee Enfield is much more accurate than the M-1, but again the M-1 is better in offensive combat because it has a much faster rate of fire.
Th revolvers are more accurate then the colt or P38 because they have less recoil. The M1 does not have the same hitting power of the enfeild or the mauser but has a faster rate of fire. But for power try the mosin nagent that is a turly awsome rifle.
i dont know how the weapons perform in real life, but the game was made to have a certain kind of balance. the revolvers are more accurate and powerful than the colt, because the colt is automatic. the same goes with the m1 vs. the other rifles.