Is there a trainer or a code out there (that works) to freeze the counter so you could play without having the tickets drop? (I just think it would be kinda fun just playing at your leisure and messing around on the levels without having to worry about the counter) And don't say use google because I already have. Otherwise I wouldn't be asking. If there isn't anything of the sort out there, no big deal.[/i]
i wish their was a way to disable it. thats something i liked about the older versions of bf. it was more about killing & not as much about the damn flags. they have it changed now so that its more about franticly running around for flags & not as much about killing. which means if you have 3 or 4 people constantly in the planes & not getting flags that it can seriously screw your team. damn chopper jocks.
well you still need the points to go down if all the flags are capped, just not that damn quick! it needs to be 1/2 about killing & 1/2 about flag capping, right now its aboput 90% about flag capping. to win a match all you need is some guy to run around & grab the flags.
That's too bad there isn't a working trainer out there for that. someone should really make one that runs properly. I did find download one a few months ago, one that would supposedly freeze each sides tickets, but it turned out to be a bullshit trainer and wouldn't work.