i can't figure out the rating systems. any one see the move thr right stuff? in the movie there is a scene where a women stripped and you could see her breasts. why was the movie rated pg? and james cameron's titanic is rated pg-13 even though you could see breast. also in a movie called indo china, they showed a women naked, for like 30 seconds. the camera just focused right at her, and you could see breasts. shouldnt they be rated r for nudity? i'm not suggesting they should do anything about it, i dont care. it's just that i dont get why it's like that. on the history channel a while ago, they had shows about the hitler youth. one part of the show talks about women in the hitler youth, and they showed this women naked on tv with her breast exposed. is there like a rule for rating? like black and white nudity is ok? or small breast nudity is ok? lol
I agree with you Germ. If the movies have any sort of nudity, they should be R. And like Strik0r said, not that I mind it, but still thats what qualifies for a R, IMO.
a couple years ago on the History Channel, they had a movie about the Nazi Death Camps (and no, its not Shindler's List), and in one secene, it showed the people walking into the gas chamber COMPLETELY NAKED. It also did the same for one scene where they lined all these people up on a hill completely naked, with backs facing the camera. MG42's opened fire, knocking the dead into the ravine below, where there were German guards there to "finish off" the wounded. One had to shoot a woman who you could see her breats, clutching her dead baby (a very sad scene too) and the guard comes over and BAM, shes dead.
it has to do with the whole idea of the scene. IF they are just there naked quickly not doing anything its ok. For R rated movies I think its like a sex scene, bad language, and violence. They have to be up there to get an R. THe the F-bomb is said automatic R.
Nudity isn't enough to get you an R. Nor are SHIT, COCK, DICK, FUCK, etc. It's is in the overuse or explicit implication in the scene.
If someone exposes their breasts to a Nerdly Nerd - more than likely youve got a PG-13 on your hands. Brief nudity. It exposed breasts are a prequel to an intense sexual scene, more than likely youre gonna get that R baby. Nudity just isn't as perverse or shocking as it was years ago. The standards have changed and this is what you get.
Well normally when you see a black and white photo of a skinny woman about to be gassed you tend not to get aroused. And it also has some education purpose in a way. Rating systems are messed anyways. Blood gives a game M rating? I do believe that most children know that people bleed when they are hurt.
ok, i think history channels gonna have another one fo those soft core porn shows. i think it's called inside the playboy mansion. anyways it's rated tv-pg even though the guy wrote viewers fowarned-contains nudity