A surfer( name unknown at the moment) who was reported missing 3 days ago, has been found "ALIVE" and well. The surfer also brought back with him a camera and an MRE which was apparently stolen from his bootcamp cafeteria in Kylesville, Fl.
The camera had photos of a strange looking man on a remote island all looking towards the sea. We think that the man might have made a website a while ago and left it to rot. Though mysteriously, the website is still being payed for. We suspect that the man may also owns teh server with the website as well. When Lacy Inginboof Kbc And Associates investigated the photos, they instantly realized who it was on them. It was lacy's long last dad who apparenly after breakin her and her mother toes and calling them "pop corn" chicken", ran off to never be heard from again. Well thats what he thought.( these are are never before see Photos from Kbc and the surfur dude.)