More help with Breakthrough. -
10-05-2003, 03:30 PM
I have been following the compass. I can't find any doors that are unlocked, or open gates, or any way out of the city. My compass takes me to a large wooden gate that isn't open and can't be blown up. I need a little more direction.
I saw your other post and tried to find the area that you are talking about. I can't figure out which level your talking about.Are you sure you haven't looked in all the buildings? Sometimes you have to go through a series of buildings to work around a gate. Look in your saved files and tell us the name of the area your in.
You must kill all the AI on the level.The last AI will be in a 2nd story window to the left of the gate. When you kill him Klutz says something moronic and the gates open and it starts loading the next mission.
OOPs he is in a second story window to the right of the gate.
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
Many levels act on the 'last man killed' theory. You won't get anything until the last one is killed. Like on the level with the train mounted guns. You can't get out of the building until every soldier is killed and then two more come in a 'locked' door on the far side of the large wooden gate. Then you get in and have to kill a bunch of folks to get up to the two guns and blow them up. Don't know more cuz I saved it last night. Have to go in again to night to see what happens now.